
29 May' 2023
Insurance Broker
Insurance Broker
Insurance Broker can help or AI on line will help to locate a reasoble Insurance Carrier at affordable Price with full transparancy.
Main goal is to keep the Insurance Premiums lower by obtaining High Deductible Health Plans and Use the insurance as less as possible by the usage HSA funds , if you can afford to pay cash obtain the receipts every time you use Healthcare Services or Pharmacies etc. If it adds up to over $15-20,000 , amount can be withdrawn tax free from your Health Savings Accounts.
Triple Tax Benifits
Health Savings Accounts has triple tax benefits which not only empowers you and your family places you all in divers seat of Healthcare. $10 /day for Individual, $20/day for family which adds upto $3600.Individual , $7200/ Family . Contribution to Health Savings Accounts are Tax free.
Funds from Health Savings are invested in Market in Indext funds with average of 10 to 15% in returns tax free, and withdrawls form these accounts as long as you have all the receipts are tax free.
You and Your Family in Drivers Seat
You and Your Family will be making decisions on deductible portion of your healthcare. If you use less Health Insurance, Your premiums will always be lower and you and your family will not only enriched and empowered in making decisions and Insurers will have no say in getting healthcare service.
You not Insurers will be making decions on deductible portion of healthcare , by not using health Insurance , premiums will always be lower and saves lot of money.
Health Savings Accounts
This is considered as an asset like any other asset, if you dont use it, you can transfe these assets to your family members as tax free for Healthcare for you entire family.